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We are in the middle of the Milton Keynes walking festival….

(more details here –—10–11-may-2014)

… and yesterday we went out on the MK Past and Present walk – which took us through Bradwell Abbey; past the Milton Keynes cows; to the Roman villa – then into Bradwell village itself. Interesting, informative – and good for my health!

There’s a report out on the benefits of walking – to see the summary, or download the full report go to

walking works

Lack of exercise is one of the top four global killers., responsible for 10.5% of heart disease cases; 13% of type 2 diabetes cases and 17% of premature deaths in the UK. The cost is enormous – in personal terms – death; bereavement; unpleasant illnesses – and in the cost of treating the effects (it’s OUR taxes that pay for the pills and the care) – but walking is FREE!

Must go now – I’m heading off to the walk, Stony Stratford in Bloom. Details of walking for health arranged walks can be found at




Diabetes is a modern epidemic – with serious consequences for those who have it and their families. At the moment  type 1 diabetes cannot be prevented. The environmental triggers that are thought to generate the process that results in the destruction of the body’s insulin-producing cells are still under investigation.

There is a lot of evidence that lifestyle changes (achieving a healthy body weight and moderate physical activity) can help prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.

Obesity, particularly abdominal obesity, is linked to the development of type 2 diabetes. Weight loss improves insulin resistance and reduces hypertension. People who are overweight or obese should therefore be encouraged to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

Physical activity is one of the main pillars in the prevention of diabetes. Increased physical activity is important in maintaining weight loss and is linked to reduced blood pressure, reduced resting heart rate, increased insulin sensitivity, improved body composition and psychological well-being.

A balanced and nutritious diet is essential for health. A healthy diet reduces risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.

If you have any of the above symptoms get in touch with your doctor. Diabetes type 2 can be prevented – or if you already have it – its consequences can be reduced significantly.